When Jesus washed his disciples' feet he shocked them and demonstrated for us true leadership (John 13:8). He knew his purpose in history (John 13:1). He knew his restorative role that others couldn't yet see, and he knew how his love and sacrifice would reveal it (John 13:3). We believe that understanding and heeding Jesus' example in John 13 is key to being a Christian leader.
In a corner of our Quad, you'll find a bronze statue of "Divine Servant", a sculpture of Jesus washing Peter's feet. This statue is a daily reminder for our campus community that Jesus provided a picture of Christian leadership for us, as well as the power to live it out — through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and the empty tomb we are motivated and led to live out our lives boldly, to His glory.
Become a Leader Who Stands Out
When we love and lead (through service) the way Jesus did, we too will shock people in good ways. At WLC, we prepare students to lead with the wisdom and radical love of Jesus, the Divine Servant. This kind of leadership is desperately needed in our world today. Jesus embodied true leadership and now empowers us through the Holy Spirit to live it out as well.
Discover Your Purpose and Role in History
Jesus knew he would sacrifice himself to redeem the world. That knowledge and understanding made it possible for him to lead in ways that were powerful and world-changing. Can you envision the critical role you’ll play in history? From your first day at WLC, we’ll prepare you to see it, know it, and step into it without hesitation. We make it a priority to ensure you can understand your relationship with Christ and your context in the world, while discovering God's purpose for you as an individual and as a generation.
See Restorative Potential in Others
Jesus could see the redemptive possibilities all around him, in all kinds of people and situations. WLC provides an academic and faith experience that prepares you to see that same potential in everyday life and work. That "restorative potential" is activated when you love others, applying your skills and abilities for the betterment of your home, church, workplace, and community - and it is realized through the Spirit's work when the gospel is shared.